
ThePraguemetronetworkconsistsofthreelines:A,BandC.Themetrooperatesdailyfrom5a.m.to12p.m.Inthemorningandduringtheafternoonpeakhours ...,PraguemetronetworkisthebackboneofpublictransportinPrague.ItconsistsofthreelinesA,BandC,whichoperatedailybetween05:00and24:00.,Timetables.Currentdepartures.Connectionsearch...MetroTramsBusesFuniculars·Allrestrictions·E-shop...©2024PraguePublicTransitCompany,join...

City Transport

The Prague metro network consists of three lines: A, B and C. The metro operates daily from 5 a.m. to 12 p.m. In the morning and during the afternoon peak hours ...


Prague metro network is the backbone of public transport in Prague. It consists of three lines A, B and C, which operate daily between 05:00 and 24:00.

Passenger | Prague Public Transit Company, joint

Timetables. Current departures. Connection search ... MetroTramsBusesFuniculars · All restrictions · E-shop ... © 2024 Prague Public Transit Company, joint-stock ...

Prague Metro (Subway)

Headway – Line C ; 5:00 – 6:30 AM, 3 – 10 mins, 3 – 10 ; 6:30 – 8:30, 1 – 4, 1 – 4 ; 8:30- 9:45, 2 – 5, 2 – 5 ; 9:45 – 1:30 PM, 3 – 7, 3 – 7 ...

Prague Metro

The metro opens every day from 5 am – 12 am (midnight). At rush hour, trains run every 2 minutes and during off-peak, they run every 4 – 10 minutes.

Prague metro - Timetable line A

All timetables are in the PDF format. Choose the desired direction and then click on the station you wish to depart from. You can download each timetable to ...

Prague metro&purchase of tickets.

metro operates daily 5:00am – midnight · two to three minutes between trains during peak hours · four to nine minutes in off peak hours (after 7:00 pm).

Prague Public Transport Timetables

If you are intending to use the tram or bus system here then it's important to learn here how to find and understand Prague Public Transport Timetables.

Timetables | Prague Public Transit Company, joint

Timetables by line number · Current departures · Timetables by mean of transport · Buses · Trams · Buses regional · Metro · Timetables and connections · Stops ...